On Adam & Eve

It fills me with a sort of awe to imagine, in the primeval past, the gradual concrescence of individuality or “who-ness” out of the sea of collective consciousness of which our distant ancestors were crests and troughs. It is a condensation of self-consciousnesses from a solution of instinctual wisdom.

Do you think “Adam” refers to the first “who”? In other words, some people imagine that Genesis recounts the story of the biological progenitors of the human race. This has the unfortunate consequence of generating conflict with likely stories of descent from evolutionary biology. Personally, I think they are talking about different things and the story of expulsion from the Garden of Eden is just this awakening to self consciousness through the knowledge of good and evil, which is to say, “morality” and its opposite. In other words, biology may tell us about the origin of our bodies but we need to consult Scripture to help us imagine the origin of our souls. What do you think of this?

Somehow the moon seems at once a symbol of fertility and of death. Perhaps these are the same thing, just as summer and winter are both “the year.” “Hades is Dionysus,” it was said by Heraclitus.

I think the green of plants is related to the Sun and the fruit and seed is related to the Moon. The roots are related to Saturn. ☉ ☾ ♄

Do you think Eve represents this “lunar” and unconscious aspect of the soul and Adam represent the conscious “solar” part of the soul, or the spirit, and that when we “pluck the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge” it is a picture of action that originates as unconscious impulse, and when Adam goes along it is a picture of the spirit that consents to be led into temptation and thereby indentures itself to the mandates of it passions? This is consistent with how Christians have interpreted “Original Sin” in that it is said to be an inheritance from Adam and not from Eve. There is much more to this, because we can imagine that Eve represents the part of our souls that we “repress” or lose connection with in exchange for self-consciousness. Mary represents the counter-image of Eve in the Garden. The Ave Maria prayer has a line “benedictus fructus ventris tui,” which is “blessed be the fruit of your womb.” The image of Mary is a clear reversal of the image Eve seizing the fruit from without. Eve’s action brought about the fall into duality while Mary’s passion gave birth to the one who resolves it. Eva is a mirror image of Ave.

Adam & Eve as depicted in the catacombs.

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  1. We tend to forget all about the Tree of Life in this particular creation story, focusing alone on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as well as Adam and Eve and who or what they might represent along with the concept of Original Sin. Kabbalists and Christian mystics, on the other hand, do not.

    There are probably no exegeses (online or otherwise) that can help us here, but a contemplation of the Sephirot might.

    (No comment on the author’s opinions and conclusions and, of course, you can probably guess which religion I think actually paints the clearest picture of what the Book of Genesis itself is all about.)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Max Leyf says:

      I think they are one tree and the Devil materialises the Tree of Good and Evil by indicating it. It is similar to how suggestion has material effect in a dream. Diabolos means “casting asunder” after all.

      I think many of the early Church Fathers actually had quite a lot to say on the Tree of Life and that the fixation on the Tree of Knowledge is a recent (i.e. post-Martin Luther and sola scriptura) invention.

      I see you sitting under a bodhi tree.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Actually, I’m sitting more under a Banyon tree when it comes to this one. Long before my encounter with a course entitled “The Gospel Parallels” in college (in fact, from somewhere around the sixth or seventh grade), comparative religion and mythology has been a great passion of mine. So, I hope you don’t mind my reaching into the hearts of traditions other than the Christian in search of parallels. Until relatively recently, though, it didn’t occur to me that there might be “secular” parallels as well. (Gebser, et al.) So, I’m playing a bit of catch-up there. Given the intense “search for (shared) meaning” we’re witnessing today, I like to think we are, at least, making some inroads.

        At any rate, it strikes me that, when overlaid on an image of the human body, the Sephirot “DA’AT” corresponds to the Hindu chakra, Vishuddha, or “throat chakra.”

        Liked by 1 person

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